Siirtymää kohti ekohyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa ja ekososiaalista yhteiskuntasopimusta pohdittiin 15.5. Tampereen yliopistolla opiskelijatyöpajassa, jonka yhteistyössä ORSIn kanssa järjestivät United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) ja Sustainable Urban Development -kandidaattiohjelma.
Päivän aikana mietittiin, miltä niin sosiaalisesti, taloudellisesti kuin ekologisesti kestävä yhteiskunta voisi näyttää ja millaiselle yhteiskuntasopimukselle se pohjautuisi. Ajatuksia päivän teemaan viritti työpajan kansainvälinen vieras, samaa teemaa käsitelleessä tapahtumassammekin puhunut Katja Hujo (Senior Research Coordinator, UNRISD). Opiskelijoiden ryhmätyöt keskittyivät erityisesti luonnon huomioimisen, yhteiskunnallisten eriarvoisuuksien ja reilun talousjärjestelmän teemoihin. Katja Hujon luennon ja opiskelijoiden ryhmätöiden tuotokset tiivisti visualisoinneiksi Salla Lehtipuu.

Alla vielä työpajan alkuperäinen kuvaus ja kutsukirje:
What does a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable society look like? What kind of social contract should it entail? Join us for a discussion with Katja Hujo from UNRISD!
Welcome to a one-day student workshop to discuss visions for a fair and sustainable society:
Towards a Sustainable Eco-Welfare State and Eco-Social Contract
When: May 15th, 2024, at 10-15
Where: Café & Aula Toivo, Main Building, City Centre Campus
Keynote:Katja Hujo, Senior Research Coordinator at the United Nations Research Institute for Social
Development (UNRISD)
There is an urgent need for a vision for a fair and sustainable world. Current environmental challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, compel us to contemplate the reconciliation of the fundamental pillars of the welfare state with the ecological constraints of
the environment. There is thus a demand to renegotiate our social contract, as called for by the UN, and to design a new eco-social contract where environmental sustainability and socially desirable development can occur simultaneously.
The content of the workshop is highly relevant and beneficial to all students interested in sustainability and societal development. During the workshop, you will gain an understanding of the conceptual background and aims of the eco-welfare state and eco- social contract. You will contemplate the meanings and practices towards an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable society. You will learn to recognise the implications of a novel eco-social social contract in Finland.
The keynote speaker Katja Hujo is a development economist and social policy expert. She is the coordinator and lead author of the latest UNRISD flagship report “Policy Innovations for Transformative Change – Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
Her academic work focuses on social policy, poverty and inequality, socio-economic development, and the sustainability transition.
The language of the workshop is English. No prior knowledge or studies are required. Students from any year of study as well as PhD students are welcome to participate. The event is organised by Towards Ecowelfare State -project (ORSI) in collaboration with the Degree Programme of Social Sciences, the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).